• Alloway Church
    Alloway Church - Campbell Douglas 1858
  • Dondaldsons School for the Deaf
    Dondaldson's School - William Playfair 1842
  • Hamilton Palace Long Gallery reconstruction
    Hamilton Palace long gallery - 1695 and 1820
  • Hamilton Palace South front reconstruction
    Hamilton Palace south front - James Smith 1695
  • Hamilton Palace Long Gallery ceiling
    Hamilton Palace ceiling - 1820
  • HBOS function hall ceiling
    Bank of Scotland - Reid & Crichton 1806
  • HBOS function hall ceiling
    Glasgow Cathedral - James Gillespie Graham 1816
  • Linithgow borough halls refurbishment
    Linlithgow Burgh Hall - 1668 and 1820
  • National Library of Scotland
    National Library of Scotland - Reginald Fairlie 1938
  • Scottish National Portrait Gallery
    Scottish National Portrait Gallery - Rowand Anderson 1889

Historic buildings

Conservation and conversion.

3D computer models of proposed alterations to existing structures are an invaluable tool for rapidly evaluating and communicating design ideas.

We have a particularly strong affinity with work to historic buildings after many years of first hand experience in their repair and alteration. These types of projects often involve us in complex detailed work, carrying out surveys and undertaking architectural and historical research.

Museums & exhibitions | Architectural visualisation